Wednesday, June 21, 2023

We are searching for one or more volunteer shippers!

Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a volunteer shipper for SAS4Kids? It is very rewarding and doesn't take a whole lot of time, AND you get to see many great cards from talented card makers across the country— it's a ton of fun! 

Want in?  

We are currently in need of one or two volunteers to take over sending cards to two existing-client hospitals. One of our volunteers has to step back but she is willing to send you her existing card inventory and to answer any and all of your questions! The two hospitals are in Peoria, IL, and Indianapolis, IN. 

Are you interested?? Contact me at sas4kidsjen at gmail dot com. 

We are also hoping to increase our services to other hospitals, so if you know of a pediatric department/ children's hospital in need of some smiles and cheer, or you want to make a difference to pediatric patients in a hospital near you, please contact me at sas4kidsjen at gmail dot com. 

Check out our challenges on the first Saturday of each month and join in! The details are posted on the Challenge tab and anyone can play along!

Happy summer!